
DSGVO 25. Mai 2018: Der Datenschutz einfach erklärt Für viele Unternehmen und Verbraucher ist die Tragweite der neuen Datenschutzgrundverordnung (DSGVO), die am 25. Mai 2018 in Kraft getreten ist, kaum absehbar. Dies liegt in der Natur der Sache, denn es wird ein runderneuertes Gesetz gültig, zu dem es noch keinerlei […]

DSGVO 25. Mai 2018: Der Datenschutz einfach erklärt

Ab dem 25. Mai 2018 wird vieles anders, manches besser sein für die Digitalnutzer in Deutschland. Im Überblick hier die wichtigsten Änderungen zum aktuellen Vorgehen in Sachen Datenschutz: Personenbezogene Daten Bisher galten als personenbezogene Daten unter anderem: Name, Adresse etc. Cookie-Adressen oder MC-IDs zählen ab 25. Mai zu den personenbezogenen […]

DSGVO: Top 5 Änderungen

Page Speed ist eines der zentralen Themen für Webseitenbetreiber, egal ob Publisher oder E-Commerce Anbieter. Lange Ladezeiten kosten Umsatz und User. Google und Facebook haben Lösungen, die das verhindern sollen: Accelerated Mobile Pages (AMPs) und Facebook Instant Articles. Doch hinter den edlen Absichten der Technologieriesen, das Internet schneller zu machen, […]

AMP & Instant Articles: Mehr Schein als Sein?

Digital BCG Matrix
The most successful publishing strategies integrate both apps and mobile Web, allowing companies to capitalise on financial benefits and support popular user activities. Maybe you are reading this blog post on your mobile device. Every day, we hear this piece of advice from editors-in-chief and leading publisher managers: mobile first. All […]

Online content is a cash cow, but mobile is your ...

Digital BCG Matrix
The most successful publishing strategies integrate both apps and mobile Web, allowing companies to capitalise on financial benefits and support popular user activities. Maybe you are reading this blog post on your mobile device. Every day, we hear this piece of advice from editors-in-chief and leading publisher managers: mobile first. All […]

Online content is a cash cow, but mobile is your ...

The top three digital companies are poised to shape the future of publishing by providing platforms, marketplaces, and content delivery tools. Are we going to let them? Over the last few weeks, there was a lot of discussion about the publishing industry’s transformation. And the surprise was that the publishers […]

Apple, Google, Facebook lead digital media transformation

A digital publishing strategy requires adapting relevant content, creating products with monetisation in mind, and pricing it appropriately. I was invited by Google to present at a regional publisher and newspaper forum. Google wants to show these publishers potential ways to penetrate the digital realm by doing the following in […]

3 tips for a successful digital publishing strategy

Mobile technology is a multi-billion dollar revenue generator. Media companies that are late to the current mobile market can get on board with smartwatches. Watch the news! 2014 ended with a major shift from online usage to smartphone and phablet usage for most news Web sites. The user decides where […]

Smartwatches: Ride the wave of the mobile future for media ...

Tablet epaper
Though tablet sales decreased in the fourth quarter of 2014, tablets are still important for news media companies because of the way they are used by a certain target market, the quality of their resolution, and the opportunity afforded to offer premium products. The fourth quarter of 2014 was the first with […]

Tablet: Dead or alive?

Tablet epaper
Though tablet sales decreased in the fourth quarter of 2014, tablets are still important for news media companies because of the way they are used by a certain target market, the quality of their resolution, and the opportunity afforded to offer premium products. The fourth quarter of 2014 was the first with […]

Tablet: Dead or alive?

The phablet is likely to become even more popular in 2015. Media companies need to think about what this means for delivering news, keeping in mind that time sensitivity is still essential.   In 2014, the discussion about which way mobile journalism will move is re-opened. The first half of […]

And the winner is … the phablet!

Successful apps aren’t those that simply replicate a company’s Web site but rather provide content in a way that allows users to consume information. The mobile content market started full of colour, with pictures on platforms like i-mode (by NTT DOCOMO) or Vizzavi (by Vodafone) in 2002. The dominant coding was i- or xHTML, […]

The importance of app verticals for media companies

Sports coverage may lead the way in mobile usage for real-time news and information. If statistics for athletic coverage demonstrate anything, it is that mobile access will likely be top-of-mind for other types of news coverage as well.   In many ways, sports are determining the development of media. The […]

Sports: The mobile content pioneer

Just four years after the introduction of Apple’s iPad, tablets already are losing some of their allure to desktop PCs and smartphones, which users seem to prefer for news consumption. When Apple launched the iPad in 2010, every digital enthusiast was excited. The experts sang the song of the personal […]

Did smartphones kill the tablet?

It’s time for media companies to move beyond e-mail newsletters and text message advertising and put all their energy behind push notification technology, which has the power to drive users to their mobile apps and Web sites. News and analysis are valuable and important for users. The common problem for […]

Push users to your content — or vice versa